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Tips for Co-Parenting During a Pending Divorce

 Posted on August 09,2023 in Divorce

Arlington Heights Family Law AttorneyMany parents begin to settle into a pattern after their divorce has finalized and they have a final decree dictating who spends time with the child and when. Conflict may begin to become less heated and less frequent when the divorce has been finalized. However, it is important for parents who are getting divorced to continuously co-parent beginning the day they tell their child about their imminent separation. When divorcing parents work together for the benefit of the child from day one, children may experience an easier transition from living in a two-parent household to seeing each parent separately. Unless there are certain circumstances suggesting that one parent should be excluded from the child’s life, such as cases where one parent has abused the child, your child could likely benefit from you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse planning for successful co-parenting until your divorce has finalized. 

Helpful Suggestions for Putting Your Child First During Divorce

Your child may feel more secure and loved if both parents can put aside their differences when it comes to meeting the child’s needs. Tips for co-parenting during a pending divorce include: 

  • Agree on an explanation - Decide what information your child should have about your reasons for getting divorced. When your child asks about why you are getting divorced, both parents should give the same answer consistently. If both parents consistently say, “We are getting divorced because we became two really different people,” for example, the child is likely to accept it. However, consider that your child may already know more than you think.

  • Get temporary orders - Temporary orders can provide short-term stability for your child and reduce ongoing conflict. Having a short-term court order establishing a visitation schedule and custody exchange procedures can prevent arguments between parents. 

  • Consider mediation - If you and your spouse need to go to court to resolve the issues in your divorce, it is a fair bet that your child is going to become involved in the proceedings. If you use mediation or have your attorneys negotiate, you can better protect your children from the conflict. However, there are reasons some parents may need to litigate their divorce to best protect their child’s interests. 

If you are going through a divorce, there are steps you can take to help your child successfully transition. Both you and your spouse should be represented by your own attorneys. 

Contact an Arlington Heights Divorce Lawyer 

A. Traub & Associates is committed to helping parents prioritize their children during divorce. Our skilled Arlington Heights divorce attorneys will do all we can to set you up for successful co-parenting during and after your divorce. To schedule your initial consultation, please contact us at 847-749-4182




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