Rolling Meadows Divorce Attorney for Children's College Expenses

Child Support Lawyer Helps Parents Address Educational Costs in Northwest Cook County
Almost every parent wants what is best for their children. In addition to providing them with the love and care they need, it is also important to make sure they will have opportunities that will prepare them for success in adult life. Unfortunately, parents' plans for their children can go awry when divorce enters the picture. The costs related to divorce and the subsequent changes in a family's lifestyle may make some parents worry about their children's ability to pursue a college education.
At A. Traub & Associates, our attorneys are dedicated to helping families navigate the divorce process successfully. If you are concerned about your child's college expenses, we can help you understand your rights and your legal options, and we will work with you to reach a solution that meets your child's needs.
Child Support and College Expenses
Following divorce, the child support that is typically paid by one parent to the other is meant to cover children's daily needs. Parents may also be required to divide expenses related to children's healthcare, child care, or extracurricular activities. These support obligations end when a child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school. However, a parent may also be required to pay "non-minor support" to help cover their child's educational expenses when attending college.
A judge may order a parent to contribute toward their child's college expenses out of the income they earn or the property they own. The following types of expenses may be included:
- Tuition and fees, up to the amount of in-state tuition that would be required to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for that school year.
- Room and board, up to the amount that would be required to pay for a dorm room and standard meal plan for that year at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Medical expenses for the child, including health insurance and dental insurance.
- Reasonable living expenses, which may include the costs of food, utilities, and transportation if the child is living in one parent's home while attending school or during breaks.
- The cost of books and other necessary educational supplies.
Parents may pay these expenses directly to the child, to the college or university they are attending, or to a special account or trust that is created for this purpose. Parents will be allowed to have access to the child's school records, grades, and transcripts, and support may be terminated if the child does not maintain a "C" grade average. Support will also end when the child receives a baccalaureate degree, gets married, or reaches the age of 23.
In many cases, parents will be able to reach an agreement about the amounts that they will each contribute to help their children receive a college education. However, if parents cannot agree, the matter may be brought before a family court. When determining whether to require a parent to pay college expenses, a judge will look at several factors, including each parent's financial resources (including their retirement savings), the standard of living the child would have had if the parents had stayed married, the child's financial resources (including any college savings accounts the parents or other parties had created), and the child's academic performance.
Contact an Arlington Heights Family Law Attorney
In order to ensure that your child has the resources that will allow them to pursue their desired educational and career opportunities, it is essential to work with an experienced attorney. At A. Traub & Associates, we can help you understand your legal options and advocate for your child's best interests, working to set them up for success in their adult life. Contact us today at 847-749-4182 to arrange a confidential consultation. We represent clients in Mt. Prospect, Palatine, Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Elk Grove Village, Wheeling, Buffalo Grove, Inverness, Long Grove, Schaumburg, Des Plaines, Hoffman Estates, and throughout Northwest Cook County.