The Most Common Reasons for Divorce
If you are considering getting divorced from your spouse, you are far from alone. Some individuals fear that their reason for wanting a divorce is strange, or silly. Knowing some of the most common reasons people get divorced may help to validate your feelings. Deciding whether to divorce is a highly personal choice. You should know that you will not likely need to explain your reasons for wanting a divorce to the judge. The only ground for divorce is having “irreconcilable differences.” The judge is not there to judge whether you have a good enough reason for getting divorced. Simply asserting that you and your spouse have irreconcilable differences is generally enough to have your divorce granted. However, if your case goes to litigation, you may be asked some questions of a personal nature. It is best to be represented by an attorney throughout the process.
Top Reasons for Getting a Divorce
Some of the most common reasons spouses divorce include:
Infidelity - When one spouse becomes romantically or sexually involved with another person, it can destroy the trust in the marital relationship and lead to divorce.
Financial issues - When a married couple has been struggling with finances, it can put an enormous strain on the relationship. Additionally, if one spouse is not good with money while the other is frugal, this can cause serious conflict.
Abuse - If your spouse is emotionally, physically, or sexually abusive, it is likely in your best interest to pursue a divorce. No one should have to stay with an abusive spouse.
Growing apart - Especially for couples who married young, it sometimes happens that spouses simply grow apart. They may develop different interests and worldviews, leading them to divorce when they are no longer compatible.
Substance abuse or mental illness - A person in active addiction to drugs or alcohol may take actions that cause their spouse to lose trust in them or harm the marriage financially. Likewise, when a mental illness develops or becomes uncontrolled, it often prompts the other spouse to file for divorce.
Inequality at home - In some marriages, one spouse feels as if they are doing all of the work it takes to keep the household running. If one spouse is working and doing the bulk of the housework while the other spends their time relaxing, it can cause the working spouse to feel as if they are being used.
There are no right or wrong reasons to get divorced. Only you can determine what is best for you and your family.
Contact an Arlington Heights Divorce Lawyer
If you are prepared to begin the divorce process, A. Traub & Associates can help. Our experienced Arlington Heights divorce attorneys will strive to resolve your divorce in the most favorable way possible. To begin with a confidential consultation, please contact us at 847-749-4182.